Cuphead is an ageless cartoon boy, full of curiosity, ambition, and mischief. Together with his brother Mugman, he spends his days going on adventures in the fantastical cartoon world of the Inkwell Isles. In their debut video game outing, Cuphead and Mugman wound up on the wrong side of the tracks at a dazzling casino, ending up in debt to the Devil himself! Forced to collect on the other souls he was owed, the brothers walloped their way through a series of massive, screen-filling bosses all paying homage to the classic cartoons of the 1930s. But rest assured: so much more adventure awaits for these two!
The award winning, six-times platinum video game Cuphead represented the launching pad for a classic, timeless brand with all-ages appeal. The game itself has a strong loyal fan base across all major platforms (Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PS4) and social media (Twitch, Facebook, Twitter). Meanwhile, an original animated series – entitled The Cuphead Show! – launched on Netflix in 2022 and was in the top 10 shows in the UK on the platform for the first three weeks after launch. It follows even more of the duo’s misadventures, adding new depth to characters that fans know and love.
Represented by Bulldog Licensing Ltd, Cuphead already has a strong licensing program including apparel, homeware, publishing, and accessories. Cuphead is owned by StudioMDHR Entertainment Inc. and managed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
© 2020 StudioMDHR Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Cuphead™ and StudioMDHR™ are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of StudioMDHR Entertainment Inc. throughout the world.
LICENCE HOLDER: | King Feature Syndicate, Inc. |
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